Andrea Rants: Insights, Thoughts, and Opinions

MY thoughts, insights and opinions on things in MY life. I'm not asking for your judgment. Enjoy...or not.

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Corporate America 12 year veteran. I've held positions ranging from Customer Service to Sr. Manager to Assistant Vice President of Marketing. Novelist. I've always written. My first book was penned (or rather, penciled) at the tender age of six, and every moment since, I have been writing this short story or that novel. My first novel is a work of fiction: Her Essence, a Mystery/Thriller. I am in the process of writing my first non-fiction book, which incorporates my life coaching methodologies and philosphies as well as other thrillers: Taming Roland, About Bryant, and the sequel to Her Essence.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A New Twist on Mommy and Me Yoga

Have you tried yoga yet? What are you waiting for? If you would prefer to go with someone, call a friend and the two of you should make a day of it. A friend recently told me that her mother invited her to practice with her. I thought it was brilliant of her mom to ask her to join her in practice. So, they made a morning of it. It resulted in her reconnecting with herself and seeing her mother in a new light. She said, and I’ll quote: “…the power of yoga and the beauty of seeing what an incredible woman my mom is, really came to the surface today…” I thought that was touching and indicative of the power of yoga (if I may sound so new-aged!).

Typically, ‘Mommy and Me’ classes are with new moms and newborns and entail doing stretches to increase abdominal and back strength and build stamina. There is usually ‘child play’ to keep the baby entertained. I 'practice' with Blythe (pictured) every now and again as she's a two year veteran at the tender age of four. Yet when we practice together, it’s fun time do silly poses with silly names and she likes to crawl under me as I get in and out of poses. We tend to wind up on the floor rolling around tickling and laughing. In any event, not much yoga is being practiced, but much fun is had.

Listening to the story about my friend who was drawn back to yoga by her mother inspired a thought; I can be that beacon of light for Blythe should she ever stray. Perhaps we’ll share something wonderful as a result as well.

So, all that said, go grab your mother (or father), friend, sibling, lover or child and dip your toe in the wonderful waters of yoga. I'll be interested in hearing about your new and interesting experiences.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea. Blythe is beautiful! Good to hear from you.

1:17 PM  

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