Love You
I love Blythe: my daughter and compass. She keeps me focused on what’s important and keeps me on course.
My father. He is the first person to verbalize how proud he is of me. I’ll never forget the precise moment and I am so thankful for him and the family he has provided.
Yoga keeps me balanced and in tuned with me. I am better able to balance the yin and yang that are so constantly at battle in my life and I hopefully present a more unified front as a result of my practice.
My writing/words. I love writing. It is my vehicle for communication and psychoanalysis. Completely cathartic, I revel in the epiphanies. Which is directly linked to…
Dreams. I don’t know about you, but my dreams are my saving grace. They keep me healthy and happy and propel me forward.
Great friends (TS, LD, RS, SL, NK, BK, SW, LB.) They don’t judge. They listen and interject as is fitting the situation. They love and accept me as me, and I them.
Organic Farmers: Keep up the good fight. It will pay off. We all know how I love my green veggies—especially the organic ones…
It seems that people now a days (and yes, I know that I’ve just aged myself decades beyond how I appear…) throw this word round so casually. It’s not meant to be abused. I just wondered aloud and in type what I would attribute to the word love and this is what I've come up with. And you?
Something along those lines...there are people I hold dear and near to my heart. Love is. Everything.
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