Andrea Rants: Insights, Thoughts, and Opinions

MY thoughts, insights and opinions on things in MY life. I'm not asking for your judgment. Enjoy...or not.

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Corporate America 12 year veteran. I've held positions ranging from Customer Service to Sr. Manager to Assistant Vice President of Marketing. Novelist. I've always written. My first book was penned (or rather, penciled) at the tender age of six, and every moment since, I have been writing this short story or that novel. My first novel is a work of fiction: Her Essence, a Mystery/Thriller. I am in the process of writing my first non-fiction book, which incorporates my life coaching methodologies and philosphies as well as other thrillers: Taming Roland, About Bryant, and the sequel to Her Essence.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Jealous Thoughts

Why is jealousy getting such a bad rap these days?

Lately, I've heard that jealousy is the new root of all evil, tossing money aside like a rank piece of fruit. Can it be true? Is jealousy the cause for failed marriages, domestic violence and putting the fun in dysfunction? Can this be the case? Jealousy???

What happened to jealousy being that cute little flaw your spouse had, not wanting another to even look at you for fear that you would realize that he was somehow sub par and that you really could do better? Wasn't it sweet that he actually feared loosing you? And how did it make you feel? Threatened? Scared for your life? Probably not.

It seems that the once innocent flaw is a precursor or signal that there will be trouble down the line if it goes unchecked. I've always chalked jealousy up to insecurity. But aren't we all a little insecure about something? Our physique, hair, weight...something. But I guess I don't go off the deep end when one of my insecurities is being tested. I understand that it's my issue, not his. AND I have an option. I can communicate that particular sore spot. If he chooses to ignore it, I have a choice too. But this leads to another yourself first!

I guess it makes sense, I mean, if you pair violence, psychotic behavior, or rashness with jealousy and throw in your own need to be with this person no matter what, it will equal trouble. For you down the line. Talk about with your significant other first. If in a marriage, seek counseling. If all else You don't need to subject yourself to any pain (physical or mental) just to 'be' with someone.

Any other thoughts on the subject?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Immature and insecure people are jealous. They make life miserable for those of us who are normal human beings.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Vixen said...

My thoughts exactly. Excellent article sweets

3:59 AM  

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