Andrea Rants: Insights, Thoughts, and Opinions

MY thoughts, insights and opinions on things in MY life. I'm not asking for your judgment. Enjoy...or not.

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Corporate America 12 year veteran. I've held positions ranging from Customer Service to Sr. Manager to Assistant Vice President of Marketing. Novelist. I've always written. My first book was penned (or rather, penciled) at the tender age of six, and every moment since, I have been writing this short story or that novel. My first novel is a work of fiction: Her Essence, a Mystery/Thriller. I am in the process of writing my first non-fiction book, which incorporates my life coaching methodologies and philosphies as well as other thrillers: Taming Roland, About Bryant, and the sequel to Her Essence.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Women's Intuition

What exactly is women’s intuition? Is it the same thing that a man would call gut instinct? And why are there two definitions in the first place? My thoughts on the subject: intuition or whatever you call it, is something akin to a sixth sense, an odd feeling, an inexplicable moment when you simply know something, do something or feel something (usually important to you, but not always so).

I think I’ve been more inclined to call mine a gut instinct…as I am sometimes described as more male than female, perhaps: FeMALe or feMALE, but certainly a young lady, but I digress. Lately I’ve been much more in tune with my intuition: slowing down to find a police car just a mile ahead (without assistance by way of flashing brights), slowing down, unprovoked, and avoiding a bird or a squirrel (spring is certainly here in Chicago), catching things before they fall, turning on the radio to find my favorite song playing, keeping quiet when things could potentially go very wrong for me if I don’t (this is another blog altogether as I’m usually prone to speaking my mind no matter the cost).

It’s like I’m listening to me more; that quiet voice that just seems to know the best path. Only the voice is getting louder or maybe I’m just listening more closely. Yoga has helped with this, as has meditation (and I’m sure Brend touched my third eye somewhere on my foot…see On the Side for further explanation). Whatever the cause, I’m looking forward to throwing caution to the wind and following this unseen map my life’s course is on. Something is in motion and I just know it will be great, I can feel it in my gut.


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