Often we, and when I say we, I mean we ladies, tend to discount men’s instinct. It’s similar to our intuition, but slightly different. Our intuition is far stretching as it invades our dreams, it overtakes our minds by way of formulating a quick decision, and it is just a part of us whether we acknowledge it or not.
Men, on the other hand, act impulsively. It’s based on an instinct that they may not be aware of. I believe that it relies on past experience. And in this way, it is different from ours because we don’t always work on past experience, but on odd new experiences that ‘just happen,’ however the results are the same.
I have been known to discount men as animalistic, non-thinking beasts that just allow things to happen. I’m always thrown when a man acts with intuition (which is why I call it instinct! It sometimes looks like intuition, but really it’s based on some past hurt.)
I think we do a disservice to ourselves when we believe that they don’t think beyond the here and now. They do. They are instinctual, and the more life experiences, the stronger the instinct (perhaps why Demi really chose Ashton???)
Where they go wrong, is when they believe that you are the just like the last person they met or had a relationship with, and they learned some awful life lesson that they then apply to you, when in reality, you wouldn’t possibly do the crime. It can ruin a relationship. But it’s just their survival instinct to lump you in with the pack. It’s definitely not intuitive…for intuition is based on futuristic thinking, not the past.
I don’t know if I’ve done a great job of explaining my thoughts here, but in a nutshell…we think differently: for men, I think it’s based on past experiences and they tend to expect an outcome. We predict an outcome, based on a futuristic thought. Both should garner respect. Otherwise we’ll be caught off guard. I don’t like to be caught off guard.